Student Recognition

  • Golden Awards

    Golden Awards are given to classrooms following SOAR expectations throughout Crestwood. 

    • Golden Ball: The Golden Ball award is given to the class that is SOARing in the gym.
    • Golden Book: The Golden Book award is given to the class that is SOARing in the library.
    • Golden Checkmark: The Golden Check Mark award is given to the class that has the highest attendance percentage.
    • Golden Note: The Golden Music award is given to the class that is SOARing in the music room.
    • Golden Spoon: The golden spoon award is given to the class that is SOARing in the lunchroom.

    SOAR Bracelets

    Students will be individually recognized when they are caught showing and/or displaying Safety, being On task, having an Academic Attitude, and being Respectful and Responsible.

    The student’s name is called over the intercom and then they come to the office to receive a SOAR bracelet.

    SOAR Tickets

    Students will be individually recognized when they are caught showing and/or displaying Safety, being On task, having an Academic Attitude, and being Respectful and Responsible.

    Crestwood staff will acknowledge and compliment students who are exhibiting SOAR behaviors by giving them specific, positive feedback along with a SOAR Ticket. The student will be responsible for writing their name on the ticket. The classroom teacher will determine the method students will use to store with their individual tickets.

    There is a school-wide reward system set up for the kids to use their tickets on many possible rewards.

    • Invite a friend to lunch
    • Wear a hat during school
    • Photo booth pictures
    • Extra time outside.

    SOAR Day

    In order to participate in SOAR day, students must:

    • Have completed 90 percent of classwork and homework.
    • Not have received a white slip.
    • Have continuously followed our SOAR expectations.

    Student of the Quarter

    At the end of every quarter, two students from each classroom will be recognized as Crestwood’s Student of the Quarter. Each quarter will focus on a different SOAR expectation and students that continuously exhibit those qualities are recognized. These students are recognized at an assembly held at the end of each quarter.

    First Quarter: Safety

    Students selected continuously meet or exceed Crestwood’s safety expectations: no running, no jumping and touching the ceiling, keep hands and feet to self, follow playground expectations, and follow teacher instructions immediately during the monthly safety drills.

    Second Quarter: On-Task

    Students selected continuously meet or exceed Crestwood's on-task expectations: the first student to follow directions, is a classroom leader, does not disrupt the class, ignores off-task/disruptive behaviors, and is always ready to learn with the appropriate supplies.

    Third Quarter: Academic Attitude

    Students selected continuously meet or exceed Crestwood's academic attitude expectations: no missing work, ready with supplies, CAN DO and positive attitude with class/group mates and while doing assignments, cooperative, as well as, eager to learn.

    Fourth Quarter: Respect & Responsibility

    Students selected continuously meet or exceed Crestwood's respect and responsibility expectations: a positive role model, on time for class, treat others with kindness, consideration, and understanding, and listen to staff and students. 

Last Modified on February 1, 2021