Principal Ketover

  • Welcome!

    The Kentwood staff and I welcome you to our website. Kentwood High School is one of four comprehensive high schools in the 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播. Our staff serve about 1,850 students and their families. We are located in Covington, Washington and our school is a reflection of our exciting and diverse community.

    KW Pride

    Our school has a tradition of excellence and high expectations. Academically, our school offers access and challenge to all students as students select the courses which will best prepare them for their futures. Athletically, our school is proud to offer students several ways to engage in competition and learn the lessons from sports that will have life-long impacts. Extracurricular activities are also numerous, and all students are encouraged to connect and get involved according to their interests.


    Please browse our website and access the information you need. If you have any questions, please contact the people below who can assist you. We are proud of our school and look forward to serving our community.

    Main Office: 253-373-7680                           Counseling/Student Services: 253-373-7380

    Fax Number: 253-373-7326                         Activities and Athletics Office: 253-373-7764

    Attendance Office: 253-373-7378                 Cashier's Office: 253-373-7685

Contact Me

Last Modified on October 8, 2021