COVID-19 Safety Update

  • With the release of new COVID-19 guidance,  we are updating COVID-19 information. Here is the Department of Health (DOH) . 

    The COVID-related safety requirements that will remain in place are the protocols that were already in law prior to the pandemic. This includes:

    • 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 will continue to implement requirements related to COVID-19 symptomatic and/or positive students or staff.
    • All outbreaks or suspected outbreaks of COVID-19 in a school or child care setting must be reported to the local health jurisdiction (see the updated guidance for the definition of an outbreak) ();
    • Schools and child care facilities must cooperate with public health authorities in the investigation of cases, suspected cases, outbreaks, and suspected outbreaks that may be associated with the school or child care facility; and
    • As employers, schools and child care facilities must notify the Department of Labor & Industries about COVID-19 outbreaks of 10 or more employees at a facility.

COVID-19 Safety Information

  • COVID-19 Safety Information 

    The Washington  State Department of Health (COH) released updated guidance in  April 2024 outlining the requirements and recommendations for COVID-19 or another respiratory virus.  Changes are in alliance with the Center for Disease Control (CDC) guidance.

    School Districts in Washington are required to continue to adhere to the requirements and consider the implementation of recommendations. Additionally, districts may choose to follow more protective policies and mitigation strategies.  

    The following are the DOH and the additional mitigation strategies 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 has chosen to continue to require in all 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 facilities until further notice to support the health and safety of students and staff.  

    We thank you for your continued flexibility as we work together to manage COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses.  We will continue updating this page as guidance from public health continues to change.

    Please consider providing a mask that your child can keep in their school bag.  There may be certain circumstances when wearing a mask will be required.

Helpful Links

  • COVID-19 Dashboard
  • 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 News and Updates

Department of Health Requirements

  • Employee COVID-19 Vaccination

  • If you have Symptoms of COVID-19

  • If you Test Positive for COVID-19

  • What to do if my Student Tests Negative?

  • COVID Symptoms at School

  • Exposure (Close Contact Notification)

  • COVID-19 Testing

  • Reporting COVID-19 Cases and Outbreaks

  • Responding to Clusters and Outbreaks

澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 Supplemental Requirements

  • Masks

  • Ventilation

  • Physical Distancing

  • Bus Transportation

  • Handwashing and Respiratory Etiquette

  • Cleaning and Disinfecting

  • Athletics and Activities

  • Performing Arts

  • Travel

  • Assemblies

  • Contact Tracing

COVID-19 Resources

  • Behavioral and Mental Health

  • Reducing Stigma and Misinformation

  • Individuals at High Risk and Those with Disabilities

  • Additional COVID-19 Resources

  • General COVID-19 Resources

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do volunteers still have to wear masks and be vaccinated?

  • When is a student or staff member too sick to go to school?

  • Does my student have to wear a mask to school?

  • Is the COVID-19 vaccination required for students or staff?

  • What do I do if my student has been confirmed for suspected COVID-19?

Last Modified on June 18, 2024