School Social Worker

  • Supporting the Whole Student

    Our school social worker, Kirsten Horton, is here to help students succeed, not only academically, but socially, emotionally, and behaviorally. She works with students, families, and community to reduce barriers to academic success. 

    As a member of the Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Committee, she works closely with the team to decide how we can best teach, support, and recognize students and classrooms following our SOAR expectations.

    Kirsten is the 504 Case Manager at Crestwood Elementary School. 

    Second Step

    The Second Step is a classroom-based curriculum to teach social and emotional concepts, as well as bullying prevention. Students are taught and practice empathy skills, emotional management, and problem-solving steps. Second Step is used as a social-emotional curriculum at schools throughout the 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播. 


    Small Groups

    An effective way of learning social, emotional, and behavior skills is through small group intervention. Groups typically have four to six students and run once a week for six to eight weeks. Possible topics include friendship, conflict resolution, emotional regulation, and problem solving. Students are identified for potential group participation by both school staff and parents/guardians. In order for students to participate, parent/guardian permission is required.

    Contact Kirsten Horton at or (253) 373-2223 to learn more. 

    Meet Kirsten Horton

    Kirsten received a Master of Social Work from the University of Washington, Seattle in 2012. Go Huskies! During graduate school, she interned at a homeless shelter in Seattle and as a school social worker in a neighboring district. As a school social worker intern, she worked with students and families in both the general education and special education setting. She gained valuable insight into the special education process, working closely with the behavior program teacher and staff members.

    After graduation, Kirsten began working in the 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 for Inclusive Education where she supported student and families receiving special education services. Her primary focus was supporting the behavior programs and the Link program, a program for students with significant challenges in learning, behavior and social-emotional well-being.  

    She has worked at Crestwood since the 2014-2015 school year and has enjoyed working with the staff, students, families, and the greater Crestwood community ever since.

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Last Modified on April 16, 2019