Appeals of Expulsions & Suspensions

The appeal provisions for in-school and short-term suspension differ from those for long-term suspension and expulsion. The appeal provisions for long-term suspension or expulsion and emergency expulsion have similarities but the timelines differ. A student or the parent(s) may appeal a suspension, expulsion, or emergency expulsion to the Superintendent or designee orally or in writing. Requests to appeal should be directed to the Interim Director of Student and Family Support Services. For suspension or expulsion, the request to appeal must be within five (5) school business days from when the district provided the student and parent with written notice. For emergency expulsion, the request to appeal must be within three (3) school business days from when the district provided the student and parent with written notice.

When an appeal for long-term suspension or expulsion is pending, the district may continue to administer the long-term suspension or expulsion during the appeal process, subject to the following requirements:

  • The suspension or expulsion is for no more than ten (10) consecutive school days from the initial hearing or until the appeal is decided, whichever is earlier;
  • The district will apply any days of suspension or expulsion occurring before the appeal is decided to the term of the student’s suspension or expulsion and may not extend the term of the student’s suspension or expulsion; and
  • If the student returns to school before the appeal is decided, the district will provide the student an opportunity to make up assignments and tests missed during the suspension or expulsion upon the student’s return.

The appeal should be based on one or more of the following factors:

  • The behavior for which the discipline was given did not occur as stated by the school.
  • The discipline given was not appropriate for the behavior.
  • There were extenuating circumstances that were not considered by the administrator when deciding on the discipline.
  • Administration did not follow district policy and/or procedure during the discipline process.