Suspension & Expulsion - General Conditions & Limitations

The district’s use of suspension and expulsion will have a real and substantial relationship to the lawful maintenance and operation of the school district, including but not limited to, the preservation of the health and safety of students and employees and the preservation of an educational process that is conducive to learning. The district will not expel, suspend, or discipline in any manner for a student’s performance of or failure to perform any act not related to the orderly operation of the school or school-sponsored activities or any other aspect of preserving the educational process. The district will not administer any form of discipline in a manner that would prevent a student from accomplishing a specific academic grade, subject, or graduation requirements.

The district must provide the parent(s) opportunity for involvement to support the student and resolve behavioral violations before administering suspension or expulsion. Additionally, the Superintendent or designee must consider the student’s individual circumstances and the nature of the violation before administering a short-term or in-school suspension.

An expulsion or suspension of a student may not be for an indefinite period and must have an end date. After suspending or expelling a student, the district will make reasonable efforts to return the student to the student’s regular educational setting as soon as possible. Additionally, the district must allow the student to petition for readmission at any time. The district will not administer any form of discipline in a manner that prevents a student from completing subject, grade-level, or graduation requirements.

When administering a suspension or expulsion, the district may deny a student admission to, or entry upon, real and personal property that the district owns, leases, rents, or controls. The district must provide an opportunity for students to receive educational services during a suspension or expulsion (see below). The district will not suspend or expel a student from school for absences or tardiness. If during a suspension or expulsion the district enrolls a student in another program or course of study, the district may not preclude the student from returning to the student’s regular educational setting following the end of the suspension or expulsion, unless one of the following applies: The Superintendent or designee grants a petition to extend a student’s expulsion under WAC 392-400-480; the change of setting is to protect victims under WAC 392-400-810; or other law precludes the student from returning to his or her regular educational setting. In accordance with RCW 28A.600.420, a school district must expel a student for no less than one year if the district has determined that the student has carried or possessed a firearm on school premises, school-provided transportation, or areas of facilities while being used exclusively by public schools. The Superintendent may modify the expulsion on a case-by-case basis.

A school district may also suspend or expel a student for up to one year if the student acts with malice (as defined under RCW 9A.04.110) and displays an instrument that appears to be a firearm on school premises, school-provided transportation, or areas of facilities while being used exclusively by public schools. These provisions do not apply to students while engaged in a district authorized military education; a district authorized firearms convention or safety course; or district authorized rifle competition.