2023 Bond Feeback Survey Results

  • Background

    Below are the results of the 2023 Bond Feedback Survey that was administered in June, after the April 2023 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 Bond measure failed. The survey results highlight the feelings and opinions of our community as it relates to the 2023 Bond measure, its projects, and their feelings about why it was unsuccessful. Results also include the project prioritization and the themes that materialized through the open-ended questions on the survey.

Overall Cost of the April 2023 Bond

Community members were asked to respond to the following prompt about the cost of the April 2023 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 Bond measure. Respondents could rate the extent to which they agreed or disagreed with the statement: The April bond proposal of $495 million was too expensive for taxpayers. Respondents could also choose not to answer this question, those who skipped the question are included in the “no response” category.  

Top 10 Projects in the April 2023 Bond

The chart below shows the most popular projects selected as important from those which were included in the April 2023 Bond measure.

Important Projects for Inclusion in Future Bonds

This view below includes the most popular projects for each category of project type included in the April 2023 Bond. Respondents were asked to select which of the projects they found important across different categories for potential inclusion in future bonds. 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 will use this information to help shape priorities for projects moving forward.  

The view below is interactive. Use the drop-down menu to see the results across different project topics.  

Last Modified on August 24, 2023