Attendance Policy

  • 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 Attendance Policy

    Our schools follow 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 (澳门六合彩开奖现场直播) policies and procedures Washington State Law to ensure every student is successful.

    We all have a role to play in student attendance.

    • Students are expected to attend all assigned classes each school day on time.
    • School staff is required to take daily attendance, maintain a record of absences and tardiness, and notify parents/guardians of unexcused absences.
    • Parents/guardians (or students in special circumstances) are expected to report student absences to the school and provide excusal information.

    Learn how to report absences and discover how schools track attendance.

    Learn why attendance is important and find tips/resources to help you student(s) with good attendance. 

    Excused Absences

    The following are valid reasons to excuse absences and tardiness.

    • Illness
    • Health condition (including mental health)
    • Medical appointment
    • Family emergency
    • Religious purposes
    • Court, judicial proceeding or serving on a jury
    • Post-secondary, technical school or apprenticeship program visitation, or scholarship interview
    • State-recognized search and rescue activities consistent with RCW 28A.225.055
    • Directly related to the student’s homeless status.
    • Participation in a school-approved activity or instructional program
    • Parental-approved activities
    • Absence resulting from disciplinary actions

    During remote learning, the following are additional reasons for excused absences:

    • Caring for a family member who has an illness or medical appointment due to Covid-19
    • Student’s employment or other family obligations that are temporarily necessary due to COVID-19 until other arrangements can be made
    • Parent’s work schedule
      • Lack of necessary instructional tools including connectivity
      • Other COVID-19 related circumstances determined between school and parent or emancipated youth

    If an absence is excused, the student shall be permitted to make up all missed assignments outside of class, under reasonable conditions and time limits established by the appropriate teacher.

    An excused absence may affect a student’s grade in participation-type classes because of the student’s inability to make up the activities conducted during a class period.

    Participation in School-Approved Activity or Instructional Program

    To be excused, an absence for participation in a school-approved activity or instructional program must be authorized by a staff member and the affected teacher must be notified prior to the absence unless it is clearly impossible to do so.

    Parental-Approved Activities

    This category of absence will be counted as excused for purposes agreed to by the principal and the parent/guardian. An absence may not be approved if it causes a serious adverse effect on the student's educational progress. In participation-type classes (e.g., certain music and physical education classes) the student may not be able to achieve the objectives of the unit of instruction as a result of absence from class. In such a case, a parent or guardian-approved absence would have an adverse effect on the student's educational progress which would ultimately be reflected in the grade for such a course.

    Parents shall submit a request at least a week prior to the absence(s) using the district form. The principal will review the student’s current academic levels and make a determination whether approving the absence would constitute a serious adverse effect on the student’s academic progress. If it is determined by the principal that it would not, the absence(s) will be considered excused.

    A student, upon the request of his/her parent/guardian, may be excused for a portion of a school day to participate in religious instruction provided such is not conducted on school property or otherwise involves the school to any degree.

    Absence Resulting from Disciplinary Actions

    As required by law, students who are removed from a class or classes as a disciplinary measure or students who have been placed on short-term suspension will have the right to make up assignments or exams missed during the time they were denied entry to the classroom if the effect of the missed assignments will be a substantial lowering of the course grade.

    Extended Illness or Health Condition

    If a student is confined to home or hospital for an extended period, the school will arrange for the accomplishment of assignments at the place of confinement whenever practical. If the student is unable to do his/her schoolwork, or if there are major requirements of a particular course which cannot be accomplished outside of class the student may be required to take an incomplete.

    Chronic Health Condition

    Students with a chronic health condition which interrupts regular attendance may qualify for placement in a limited attendance and participation program. The student and his/her parent will apply to the principal, counselor or school nurse and a limited program will be written following the advice and recommendations of the student's medical advisor. The recommended limited program must then be approved by the principal. Staff will be informed of the student's needs, though the confidentiality of medical information will be respected at the parents’ request.

    Unexcused Absences

    Unexcused absences fall into two categories:

    1. Submitting an excuse which does not constitute an excused absence as defined previously.
    2. Failing to submit, whether by phone, in person, email or written any type of excuse statement signed by the parent, guardian or adult student. This type of absence is also defined as truancy.

    Vacation or Extended Absence

    Please try to schedule extended trips during scheduled school vacation periods (summer, winter, mid-winter and spring breaks).

    19 Days or Less

    Planned absences of less than 20 days usually require only parental permission by way of a phone call, fax, email, or written note explaining the reason for the absence and the dates involved.

    • The absence must meet the criteria listed in Policy 3122 in order for the absence to be considered excused.
    • Additional documentation (such as a doctor’s note) may be required by the principal.
    • Students are responsible for completing all assigned coursework from their absence.

    20 Days or More

    For pre-planned absences extending to or beyond 20 days, students and/or parent/guardians are required to make an appointment with an administrator at the school prior to the absences occurring.

    A student with 20 or more consecutive days of absences may be withdrawn from the school and may not be able to be placed back in the class or school in which they were previously enrolled.

Last Modified on June 27, 2023