Sportsmanship Standards

  • Be a Good Sport

    As parents and adult fans of 澳门六合彩开奖现场直播 athletes, you are an important part of our team modeling good sportsmanship for students at contests.

    • Realize that a ticket represents a privilege to observe, support and enjoy middle and senior high school athletics.
    • Respect decisions made by contest officials.
    • Be an exemplary role model by positively supporting the team in every manner possible.
    • Respect all participants, coaches, referees, and fans.
    • Recognize outstanding performances.
    • Encourage surrounding spectators to display only good sportsmanlike conduct.

    Unacceptable Behavior

    • Disrespectful or derogatory language, yells, chants, songs, gestures, or signage.
    • Abusing officials in any way.
    • Blaming the loss of a contest on officials, coaches or participants.
    • Refusing to recognize good performances.
    • Using profanity or displaying anger.
    • Taunting opponents and other participants.

    Anyone displaying unacceptable behavior will face consequences.

    • Step 1: You will be asked to comply with our sportsmanship standards.
    • Step 2: You will be removed from the event after a second incidence of poor sportsmanship.
    • Step 3: If unacceptable behavior continues, you will be asked to leave and be prohibited from attending any sports event for the remainder of the season and potentially, for the rest of the year.
Last Modified on January 4, 2024